Saturday, September 17, 2016

Pescatarians in Blue Ridge

I simply couldn't resist scribbling down this adventure in the scenic getaway called Blue Ridge.

Partners in crime: Vivek/Ashi/Nimal/Deepa/Lisa
Co-ordinates:37.7476° N, 78.9759° W

All  characters, places, events and incidents are byproducts of the author's astounding memory. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead (fish included), or actual events is the intention.
164 Rock Tree Lane,Roseland VA

Hump back rock hike
A not so steep climb leading to a scenic overlook
Shenandoah on one side  and George Washington National Forest on the other.

Also a delightful opportunity to update the cherished profile pic on social media

Leading to the white blaze of AT (Appalachian Trail) brought forth some heated debates on Energy
bars. The goodness of mass produced  chocolate chip oatmeal bar on side to the 2 ingredient date-cashew. Lisa and  i did try to pass it (40+ bars) on charity but apparently even they refused.

The long winding route back did play on our minds.
Few questions kept cropping up-
Are we lost?
Are we there yet?
What is the purpose of my existence?

As per the tradition with overnight meetups, it was time to watch another Mohan Lal comedy- Sethu Chetah and Sreenvisan were hilarious with some pensive moments here and there.

The etymology of Mithunam puzzles me in the context of movie title; It is 11th  month of Malayalam calendar-Kollavarsham. Zodiac sign is Gemini.

All you Asian people look the same
While attending mass in St. John's Catholic Church,Waynesboro, I felt a sense of Déjà vu listening the sermon by the Asian priest. I was truly convinced I had seen Padre in a church at Virginia Beach. I even recalled some of his jokes
 Why did the tortoise cross the road? To get the Shell Station
Why did the Skeletal cross the road? To get to the Body Shop

Elementary my dear Watson- When I heard the father last, he was raising donation for relief in Haiti and today it was for Mother Teresa. Brimming with confidence I went up to him to acknowledge his oratorical skills and to get a pat on the back for my keen listening skills.

Couldnt have been more wrong.Facial recognition what is that, ate the humble pie and walked away.

Pescatarian delights
Hindsight is 20/20-While the red snapper was grilled with the juices intact, what was missing was the Aluminium foil and the fish skin.

 The English breakfast with crumpets and avocado toast was a delight ;the caramelized peaches postprandial was wonderful desert.

But the Punjabi Chole with slightly under-cooked chickpeas and watery gravy was the most sought after dish in this trip, I am sure you agree.

Looking Back
Summing it up with a kaleidoscope of images.